It is your Being.
What are you doing to it?
Here is a Possibility Management Process for Centering your Being.
This is particularly helpful if you find yourself on an evolutionary 'plateau' where progress along the Path seems bogged-down or confusing. You may also have a sense of not knowing what to do, not finding yourself, not being with your true self.
This Process requires a Spaceholder with significant Possibilitator Skills, and a Client already talented at Inner Navigating.
The evolutionary Path does not go along as one might expect, one step after another in some predictable pattern. Each person's Path is unique to their Being.
Indeed, the Path has been traversed since humans learned to Observe Themselves by Splitting their Attention. The Path even goes along when you least imagine that evolution is possible. This is because your Being is designed to Evolve, to become more aware, and the Universe knows this. In fact, using the addiction to certainty or to knowing as a way to guard your Being against the natural evolution of Consciousness can cause the Universe to get so pissed-off at you that it uses the Hammer (having a car accident, your partner leaves, losing all your money, your house burns down, getting an illness, cyclone, earthquake, etc.) just to crack open your Box enough to expose your Being to evolutionary forces again.
For many people, bigger evolutionary steps only occur on their deathbed while they look back over a long survival-based mechanical life, lived Reactively and reflexively, suppressing their Destiny, feeling regrets.
Other people are drawn towards evolution like a moth towards a candle. They look for evolutionary experience in everything they encounter, taking on evolution as their 'hobby'. Fortunately for them (more fortunate than a moth...), that which is real cannot burn.
You may find that you have one or more Parts desiring to take a risk, ask real Questions, adopt new ways of thinking and perceiving, change behavior to create different Results. Other equally committed Parts want to defend your Survival Strategy to the bone and keep everything the same. How sad and scary it would be to let your Fantasy Worlds die...
In this inner battle, sometimes an effort is made. Things actually evolve. New behavior causes startling new results, but during your integration time, a plateau is achieved... You find yourself hiding out. To justify this turn of events, you may unconsciously think, "Ah, things are better. That's enough for now. Let's let sleeping dogs lie so I can enjoy my just rewards. I have worked hard, taken risks. Now the time is ripe for me to bask in my laurels, to cruise for a while. I can retire, kick back, and enjoy a good life. Why not? I earned it! I deserve this!"
How long should the evolutionary plateau last? One breath? Three seconds? A day? A week? A month? A year? Ten years? Sudden death is not funny. It gives you no time to feel the transformational effects of authentic remourse.
But you also find that no amount of self-cajolling, self-threat, self-reproach, self-flagellation, self-abuse, or self-hatred seems enough to get you to again face the unknown Emotional Fears lurking around in the shadows of making further efforts. This plateau could endure for the rest of your life. The 4 Enemies of a person on the Path grab you by the balls and take you to the mat.
There is, of course, no problem.
This means there is no solution.
Or actually, the Problem IS the solution (when you use the problem as a Doorway into a new way of Being).
Serving your Bright Principles is, as al optional. You can live your whole life serving the Values of gameworlds that your Being completely disagrees with. Most modern people do this. You have been trained to be a Zombie since you first set foot in school.
You make choices, conscious or unconscious.
You take an action or don't, knowing that inaction is also an action.
For all of it you are Radically Responsible, regardless of whether you like that arrangement or not. This is a responsible Universe.
The point is, you are also stuck when you try to strategize your evolution by focusing on fixing things, repairing things, trying to get it right, trying to be perfect, trying to be better, trying to be just barely good enough to breathe... All of it ends up being a distraction from Being.
By trying to force yourself to continue moving forward on your Path, your Being is covered over, bent into a weird shape, constricted, twisted, pushed and pulled out of balance. Then, no matter where you are on your Path, you cannot Be there as a Person Of Agency because you are not Centered in your Being.
This Process is about you Centering Your Being in itself.
- If your Being is not in its own center, where is it?What is it doing there?What if your Being could become centered in itself?
A couple of days ago I asked a Spaceholder to navigate an EHP for me that kept coming to the surface since a call I had with Anne-Chloé and Clinton about the resilience and thickness of my Box's buffer zone. There was a clear sense that this needed to be worked through before it would make any sense to enter the process Centering The Being.
In the process I discovered that I had created one of my main survival strategies - ‘having to know’ (so that I was always prepared, otherwise I would be amidst an insurmountable chaos of insanity) - so that it could protect a precious jewel I kept inside me. The jewel was a memory of Gaia, a seed of sorts, with a clear knowledge of how the order of things really are, or using language of the consensus reality: the potential to 'be'. A kind of original instruction or original wisdom rested within me. The sphere itself was glowing gold with green and blue, and revealed different layers moving in different speeds and directions while appearing to move slowly.
The Spaceholder asked me to open the doorway behind me for Archetypal Love to come through. I did so. After a long, loud and ‘painful’ time letting Archetypal Love in, I could start replacing the 'knowing protection' with 'Archetypal Love protection'.
After this, my Memory of Gaia was more radiant and thriving, as if my memory was running wild with its brothers and sisters.
When the Spaceholder asks me what comes next, the clear next step was to keep the gateway open. Then I am to center myself in the experience of Archetypal Love running through me like a wide river, letting the memory of Gaia thrive in me. It occurred to me that this would be Centering The Being.
Since then I have been experiencing myself in deep tiredness and wanting to sleep a lot, and also a lack of the intellectual sharpness I am used to. Both experiences are very unusual for me. The last time I experienced myself being this ‘knocked out’ after a process was in the Polish Possibility Lab after shifting my Point Of Origin. After that I slept all the way through lunch and the afternoon session.
When I have calls I am present, and I still deliver value it seems, but my mind is not very much there. It is a slow ordeal to read and write. I need to re-read many times each sentence. And sometimes when I write I need to delete because when I re-read what I wrote, I missed something, or I couldn't even figure out what I was trying to say.
If there is no Liquid State, there is no change.
If there is a Liquid State, there might be a change.
Liquid States are necessary but insufficient to guarantee change.
An important element of promoting authentic change is the Context that is being held while the Client is integrating their experiences during their Liquid State. The Context should include the understanding that integration time is part of the Process.
How are you putting things back together? In the same way as before? Or in some new way?
If there are Liquid State effects as described above, dizzyness, tiredness, confusion, lack of focus, etc., these are signs that the Client is actually succeeding at putting things back together in new ways. It is in some ways like learning to use the faculties of your physical body all over again as a baby - such as walking, thinking, communicting, seeing, speaking, etc.
Your Client needs to get accustomed to the new shape of their Being, and the new ways that Life energies flow through them.
In short, please be sure to keep Holding Space for your Clients while they are integrating their new configuration. This may take longer than you think, up to several days or a week after the Process happened.
- Centering your Being in itselfopens an entirely new relating with your surroundings.
Your Being wears each of your 5 Bodies like a glove.
Modern culture does not recognize Being, preferring to emphasize Having and Doing. When you are born, modern culture gives birth to your Physical Body and your Intellectual Body (your mind) but ignores the rest as irrelevant, or perhaps even dangerous to the stability of modern culture's control over its citizens. As a result, you many not be completely born.
Much, if not most, of your Being may not have come into your life yet. I may be time for you to ask your Team to do a particular Floor Process for you: Calling The Being Through. (Please be aware that Calling The Being Through is an especially powerful Floor Process which may possibly transform the Spaceholders as much as it does the Client... We learned this the hard way. You have been warned.)
We recommend additional preparations before engaging Centering The Being.
This would be the same preparations as for any of the Possibility Management Floor Processes, namely:
- Learn to Consciously Feel.
- Shift into Experiential Reality.
- Shift into Expansive Learning.
- Learn to Become Centered, Grounded, and Bubbled.
- Learn to Become Present.
- Keep returning to Possibilitator First Position.
- Take back your Attention.
- Take back your Authority.
- Take back your Voice.
- Disidentify from your Box.
- Learn to Notice.
- Split Your Attention.
- Practice neutral Self Observation.
- Become An Experimenter.
- Learn to Hold Space and Navigate Space.
- Learn to use your 13 Tools.
- Learn to Go Nonlinear.
- Learn to Go Unreasonable.
- Transform your Gremlin.
- Decontaminate your Adult Ego State.
- Untangle yourself from Reactivity.
- Cavitate your own bubble of Culture.
- Escape from the 8 Prisons.
- Open your Pearl.
- Distill your Bright Principles.
- Learn to Set Context.
- Build your Gameworld.
- Start your Quest.
These are Possibilitator preparations that occur during Expand The Box training, 10 Possibility Labs, the additional Matrix-Building explorations and experiments suggested at Go Explore, and taking more and more responsibility for inventing and occupying a culture that you would love to live in.The moment you Hold Space and Navigate your own online-or-offline S.P.A.R.K. Experiments Team, Study Group, Possibility Team, or Rage Club, your preparations jump to an entirely new level.SETUP
Centering The Being can be done in groups of 3, with a Client, a Possibilitator (Possibility Coach), and a Coach (who coaches the Possibilitator) during a practice session, or in Pairs with a Client and a Possibilitator during a Possibility Coaching session.
The Client must already be able to Inner Navigate their Low Intensity and High Intensity Feelings and Emotions.
This process can be done online or offline.
Client and Possibilitator sit directly across from each other in armless straight-back chairs.
Supply the Client with tissues, a hand-towel, and a bucket.
The Client's Beep! Book and pen should be within their reach, although this is an experiential Process without much - if any - content to be written down.
It is necessary that the Client begin this Process with a sincere and non-intellectual request for a Process which includes a sharing something like the following:
- "My worldview is confusing me."
- "My belief-system is interfering in my life."
- "My Survival Strategy seems to have an agenda that is different from my true wishes."
- "My GamePlan is running me in circles."
- "I do not sense being in alignment with my own life."
The confusion reveals an intertidal point in the Client's inner world in which the Box is conflicting with the Being. If you have worked with different Client, you can easily tell when they are speaking / moving / reacting from their Box or they are speaking / moving / acting from their Being or Dragon or Archetypal Lineage.
Centering The Being process focuses on this particular place where the Box meets the Being in a way that it is blocking the Being from coming to Life. The commitment to either part: the Box or the Being is unclear. That is what creates confusion, pain and groundlessness. In other words, the past arrangement that the Box and Being have made to keep both of them safe is no longer working. The deal does not longer make sense.
Therefore, when the Client says reveals the confusion, they will feel an Emotion.
But Centering The Being is not a standard Emotional Healing Process (EHP).
Your job as Possibilitator is NOT to guide them into letting their Emotions get more intense.
Instead, your job as Possibilitator is to be with their Being, exactly where their Being is, accompanying them into this cubic centimeter of chance of being together at the inner edge of their present time, small NOW, current experience of what exactly is trapping them.
Centering The Being is NOT analysis. You are not trying to get them to understand anything. It is not about WHY they are there, or HOW they got there. Those are entirely different Processes.
Centering The Being is a Process of accompanying a Client into experiencing the wedge that hold them between a rock and a hard place. What are the sensations and the necessity of them being clamped into the vice-grip position that they are in right now while you are talking with them. Not from the past. Not from the future. Only this right here and NOW with them and you being with them there.
That means Centering The Being will be uncomfortable for the Possibilitator.
You CANNOT rescue the Client from where they are right now because they have to be exactly there where they are for the process to work. If they are not able to be exactly where they are now, they will never be able to find their way to someplace else.
This is your job as a Possibilitator: to accompany the Client right there where they are NOW, and to experience that compressed or confused or distorted sensation with them consciously, putting the experiential details exactly as they are on the table to be with them together.
Possibilitator keeps saying what is emerging in their experience being with the Client in these sensations. It is IMPORTANT to not interpret what the Client says AT ALL. Instead, keep using the exact words and phrasing that the Client uses in this Process, or else you will make the space and the journey unsafe for them because you force them to go into their mind to see if the words you are using are accurate enough to match their experience. USE THEIR WORDS.
Stay there, in that, with them. This is the Process.
There will probably come a moment in the Process when a Nonlinear or Unreasonable element may be required for the Alchemical or Transformational Process to ignite or shift forward.
The moment is usually when the Client has become intensely present with where they are. Only then, do they get a chance to restructure their innerworld so that they Center themselves deeper into their Being instead of being centered in their Box or their Confusion.
The shift that is needed is not necessary that of realizing that the size of the Being is bigger than the Box (like you will see in Demonstration #1). The shift is that of a change of Value: valuing the quality of Being in their full natural forces instead of the safe mechanicalities of the Box.
The Possibilitator provides this element. (That is why they are a Possibilitator.)
The element may come as a Question, or as a precise observation.
One Client was sensing how their Survival Strategy was keeping them buried in an inner instability, an inner chaos.
The chaos, they Noticed, was coming from ongoingly Worrying.
POSSIBILITATOR: "What is the worry about?"
CLIENT: "About not knowing if I am wrong or right."
Being exactly with the Client in their Worry, the pair discovers that the Worry is coming from an inner uncertainty of not knowing if they are wrong or right about what they are about to do or say.
The chaos is generated by bouncing back and forth between not knowing if their behavior is going to be 'bad' or 'good'.
POSSIBILITATOR: "Please explain what is bad behavior and what is good behavior."
CLIENT: "'Bad' behavior will hurt others. 'Good' behavior will not hurt others."
POSSIBILITATOR: "Who decides if a behavior is 'bad' or 'good'?"
Sensing into this inner chaos and instability created by always being uncertain, and always waiting for a judgment about the 'badness' or 'goodness' of a possible action, it came to light that the clarity about whether their behavior was good or bad could only come from an external authority figure, such as their parents, who are obviously no longer around to pronounce a verdict.
There is a long silence in the Process. The POSSIBILITATOR simply waits in the silence, being with the Client, never wavering from contact in this space.
There seems to be no solution to this predicament, because the Client can no longer depend on an ongoing input from their parents telling them if their behavior is 'bad' or 'good'.
The breakthrough comes from a Nonlinear question from the POSSIBILITATOR:
"What is really the problem with the Chaos?"
(A long space of time elapses.)
Finally the POSSIBILITATOR asks:
"What if the Chaos itself provides stability?"
(Another long space of time goes by, several minutes of silence.)
POSSIBILITATOR:"When the Chaos of uncertainty arises, you can use it as a signal that it is time to decide if your action will be useful or not useful."
The Client's Inner Structure changes during a Liquid State, during which time they take Radical Responsibility for deciding if their action will be useful or not useful.
The Client's Being now centers in itself, instead of ongoingly looking for an external authority figure's judgements.
Their new inner design has them experience Chaos as a comforting and useable 'humming energy'.
CLIENT: "I am surfing the Chaos. I am a Chaos surfer."
The Client now Radically Relies on their own Values to decide about what they say or do.
Most often during Centering The Being, a Client will distill one or more clear Doorways to an Emotional Healing Process (EHP). These details (the Emotions they feel and a sentence or two of the Story which triggers these Emotions) should be written down in the last pages of the Client's Beep! Book, and scheduled to for a future date.
The Universe is designed to interact with you
as a Being in your center. This is when you are living.
Here there are whole new ways to play.
#1 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Clinton Callahan & Anne-Chloé Destremau 23 February 2023
English (19 min)
After watching this entire video, please register Matrix Code PCDEMO10.01 by logging in to your free account at
#2 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Ana Norambuena 5 March 2023
English (21 min)
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#3 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Cornelius Butz 6 March 2023
English (45 min)
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#4 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Anne-Chloé Destremau 8 March 2023
English (28 min)
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#5 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Clinton Callahan 11 March 2023
English (1 hour 18 min)
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#6 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Devin Gleeson 17 March 2023
English (45 min)
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#7 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Lisa Ommert 15 April 2023
German (48 min)
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#8 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Lisa Ommert 17 August 2023
English (37min)
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#9 Centering The Being Possibility Coaching Demonstration with Lisa Ommert 17 August 2023
English (37 min)
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Mostly what helps in bringing success to your Experiments is personal preparation.
But: What comes first? The chicken or the egg?
The Matrix to hold the outcome? Or the Matrix for doing the Experiment?
You need both...
Matrix Code CENTERBE.01
There is something to be said about a material Universe which is that it does provide an unlimited source of 'really good excuses': the dishes need to be done, kids need to go to school, bills need to be paid, the door need to be fixed, clothes need to be wash, groceries need to be bought, food needs to be on the table, you have to go to work, there is this birthday party I need to go to, etc... However, you will discover that your excuses for not fully being present are not limited to circumstantial excuses.
This noticing experiment has three layers. You can do this experiment alone over a few days or in a Possibility Team in pair or in your 3Cell. If you do this experiment in a Team, use each meeting to research one layer.
The first layer take places over 2 days: notice all the practical, logistical, circumstantial and seemingly reasonable excuses that you carry with you to not fully being present. Write ALL of them in your Beep! Book.
After writing down in your Beep! Book a list of 50 circumstances excuses that you use to block your Being's Presence, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.01 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.NOTICE WHAT EXCUSES YOU MAKE TO YOURSELF FOR NOT BEING FULLY PRESENT (2)
Matrix Code CENTERBE.02
The second layer take places again over 2 days. This time shift your noticing to the Stories that you hold about yourself, about others and about the World that you use to not be fully Present.
These Stories are entertwined with Emotional Fear. One ways to find your Stories is to notice when you are feeling Emotional Fear and to follow it back to the Story that you hold about yourself, others or the World that is ongoingly triggering your Emotional Fear.
Hint #1: If you noticing yourself judging these Stories as bad, you have already given your power of noticing to your Gremlin's Shadow Purpose of Gremlin Violence by beating yourself up. This would actually be one of the excuses that you use to not be fully present: 'I am not good enough', 'I am stupid', 'I am weak', 'I will never make it'. Gremlin Violence against yourself is often an addition. Please read the Addicted website to way to Heal and Transform addiction.
Hint #2: You might have an opposite perception of yourself that you are a Hero in your own mind, that you are already so powerful that it is obvious that you are not blocking your Being's Presence. These Stories are equally Gremlin and are equally blocking you to be fully present. The Superior Hero Fantasy World is often a Survival Strategy placed on top of a previous Survival Strategy of Gremlin Violence against yourself. Deep down, you really 'know' that you are worthless and incapable. Write down Stories from both Survival Strategy as excuses for not being fully present.After writing down in your Beep! Book a list of 13 Stories, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.02 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.03
The third layer takes place over 3 days (which makes a complete week of research).
Shift your Edge of research to the 'real' excuse that you have been carrying with you to purposefully block your Being's Presence: the true benefit for your Gremlin.
Contact a Gremlin Transformer and clearly state that you are doing the Experiments preparing yourself to Center Your Being, and that before you can do so, you need exact Clarit about what is the real benefit for your Gremlin to block your Being's Presence. Would they take you through that process?
After distilling in one sentence the true benefit of your Gremlin, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.03 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.04
Take on something you've wanted to do for a long time and haven't done it yet.
I mean something like sitting for 20 minutes every morning.
Resolve to do this every morning after you get up and before breakfast for a month starting today.
Get bright when you don't keep your appointment with yourself on the beep cushion.
Write in your Beep! Book how it happened. Write down the reasons you didn't do it.
What part of you is arguing here?
Which ego state?
Which of your 5 bodies finds the reasons?
What feelings and emotions do you have about it?
What happens the next day?
Can you continue to meet your appointment or are there voices that want to persuade you to give up? (" you've already screwed up anyway, you're just a failure!").After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.04 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.06
This experiment is ideal to do in a Possibility Team.
The best way to do this experiment is to set yourself in groups of 3 or 4 people, and go through the process out loud with input, clear questions, sharp observations from your Team.
Sit in a chair facing your 2 or 3 team members with a pen and a book open at a blank page.One of your team members asks: How does your Being manages the Energy flowing through your Life?
Your mind will have no idea how to answer the question. Therefore, do not look in your mind. Most probably your energy flow will make no sense at first. Do not let your mind interfer by trying to understand WHY and HOW and WHERE does it come from.
Start drawing how the energy flows in your Being. Speak while you draw.After you have drawn for 2 or 3 minutes, start noticing:
- Which energies you block even before you even see it or before it even touches you
- Which energies you completely let in
- Which energies you keep and what is the purpose
- What blocks have your installed for managing the energy flow
- What leaks have your placed for managing the energy flow
As you start getting a clearer picture of how your Being (and your Box) manages your energy, research:- How is your energy management system blocking your connection with Reality?
- How is your energy management blocking your Agency?
- How is your energy management limites Outer Resources to comes through the space of your Being?
This process takes around 20 minutes per person.Then shift to the next person until everyone has had a chance to draw their energy management.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.06 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points if in addition to your process, your hold space for at least 2 other people.CHECK TO SEE IF YOUR GREMLIN'S GAMEPLAN MATCHES YOUR BEING'S GAMEPLAN.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.07
This Experiment requires you to know your Gremlin's name and to be talented at Inner Navigating. Get yourself a Spaceholder with significant Possibilitator Skills that asks your Gremlin the following questions:
(notes for the Spaceholder are written cursive in brackets)
Preliminary question: Hello (gremlin’s name), are you ready to answer some questions for me?
(If your client answers no, the experiment is not feasible right now)
Question 1: (gremlin’s name), in your wildest dreams, where will you and (name of experimenter) be in 4 years?
(Make sure and coach that the Gremlin talks about where he will be in 4 years, rather than where he will not be in 4 years)
Question 2: (gremlin’s name), where does (experimenter's name) see himself in 4 years?
(Make sure and coach that the Gremlin answers the question)
Question 3: (gremlin’s name), what are you doing to keep (experimenter's name) from navigating there?
After answering the questions to your spaceholder, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.07 in your free account at StartOverxyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.08
Find a person to do the following experiment with you.
Explain to your counterpart what you do to avoid being in the here and now. Give the reasons that are actually true for you. Tell the story that you actually believe.
When you're done, have your counterpart ask you a question.
It is, "Why?"
Answer this question as honestly and authentically as possible. Give reasons and excuses and explanations as you come up with them.
When you are done, your counterpart asks you anew, "Why?"
This is the invitation for you to dig one more layer deeper and look underneath, to see behind.
What is it, really?
Answer this question.
When you have finished speaking, have the other person ask you one more question.
It's the question, "What for?"
This question hooks the space like a rabbit in the field.
It invites you to look there:
What are you doing it for?
What are you protecting?
What are you avoiding by doing this?
What shadow principle does it serve?
What is the survival strategy?
Answer the question.
Then, together with your counterpart, collect the points that you do not want to forget. Write down the issues for Emotional Healing Processes.
Change roles.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.08 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.09
Set your alarm clock to go off half an hour earlier.
Before breakfast, sit on a cushion on the floor for 20 minutes.
What do you want to create that day?
What is it that you've been putting off for a while that you just aren't attacking?
What reasons and stories do you tell to not start, to not do it?
Start today. Start it when you get up off the seat cushion.
What you want to create is a chain of individual action steps. Like the pearls on a necklace, you have to go through the steps one by one.
You can't string the third pearl before the second. (Although you can declare that the third pearl is actually the second. But that's another experiment).
What is the first pearl of what you want to create?
The experiment is not to set the alarm clock earlier and sit.
The experiment is to recognize / notice the first pearl and then start with the first pearl.
The first pearl is the first step.
Start with the first pearl when you get up.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.09 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Part 1 (30 minutes)
Each person needs a large sheet of paper. Flipchart paper is a good choice.
Sit on the floor with the paper and a few eddings.
For what follows, you will need a dose of boldness.
Each person charts their evolutionary path so far by drawing a map of sorts.
What were the milestones, the dead ends, the crossroads along the way?
What important decisions were made, who were the people who had influence, when did those people show up, when did they leave?
How exactly did each of you get here?
Each card runs chronologically from the past to the now, ending for the time being in the now, in this experiment. So on each person's card is recorded what has happened so far.
This part of the experiment lasts 30 minutes.Part 2 (in groups of two / offline or in breakout rooms / 10 minutes per person).
Person A starts by presenting their evolutionary path. This should take the form of a presentation of about 5 minutes. Person B does not interrupt person A.
Person A starts chronologically in the oldest past and ends after a maximum of 5 minutes in the present.
When person A reaches the end of the presentation (the now), person B asks them to take a deep breath and then continue speaking.
Person A then continues speaking by moving further into the future on the timeline.
She/he now talks for another 5 minutes about what the next steps are.
What does she/he want to learn? Why does she/he want to learn this? What actions are planned, what specifically? What people are on her/his team?
She/He also talks about what she/he has actually wanted to do for a long time, but hasn't done it yet. Why hasn't she/he done it so far?Instruction for Person B:
Let Person A speak for the first 5 minutes of the presentation, do not interrupt her/him. Take notes on the following:
- What beliefs does Person A have?
- What assumptions / expectations / resentments?
- Are there stories that prevent the next step?
- Are there voices of others that make the next step seem unattainable, for example, statements from parents, teachers, authority figures?
- What emotions do you notice in Person A that invite healing?
You can navigate Person A with questions in the second 5 minutes.Part 3 (still in groups of two / 10 minutes per person).
Person B gives feedback and coaching to Person A.
Person B talks about what she/he perceived while Person A was talking.
She/He names beliefs, assumptions, expectations, and stories that prevent the next step.
She/He invites Person B to write down the emotions and themes for Emotional Healing Processes in the Beep! Book.
The two people distill together what the next step for Person A is.
The next step is often small and sometimes it is not seen because it is right in front of you.
It can also be a Pirate Agreement.Sharing in the big space all together.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.10 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.11
You can do the experiment if you are at least 5 people (coach, person A, person B, person C, etc.).
The coach's job is to notice when someone is not feeling well and make sure no one gets hurt.
Person A takes off glasses, jewelry and shoes and lies down on a yoga mat or mattress. She lies on the back, arms and legs resting comfortably on the floor.
Person A gives the signal to start the experiment with an "Ok".
Person B lies down on top of person A, belly down. She/He lies down approximately so that the intersection of the two bodies is in the abdominal area. From a bird's eye view, the two bodies look like an X.
When person A indicates with another "Ok" that the next person can come, person C lays down on top of person A and B. The next person can lie down on top of the first.
People can lie on top until person A (or one of the other lying people) says stop.
The position and weight for each person should be such that they can hold it for 8 minutes after the stop is said.
During the 8 minutes that now follow, no one is to speak if possible; the coach makes sure that none of the Gremlins present take over the space.
The coach asks the following questions out loud to the people in the stack, which are not to be answered out loud:
- What do you perceive in your physical body?
- What feeling/emotion do you have about it?
- What do you perceive in your mental body?
- What feeling / emotion do you have about it?
- What do you perceive in your emotional body?
- What feeling / emotion do you have about it?
- What do you perceive in your energetic body?
- What feeling / emotion do you have about it?
- What do you perceive in your archetypal body?
- What feeling / emotion do you have about this?
- Where do you know this situation from / when did you last have such a situation?
- Where in your life are you also in such a situation right now?
- What can you do to take the next step out of this situation?
- Who do you need to talk to?
- What do you need to get out of it?After 8 minutes, the pile is taken down again, the top person goes down first and so on until person A is alone on the floor again.
Switch roles.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.11 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code CENTERBE.12
Your WorkTalk builds the Thoughtmap for people to understand what the Free And Natural Adult Egostate is, and a map for people to discover how to get there. For example, if you want to go to New York City, first you need to know where New York City is. This precise goal is a mark on the map. Then you need clear and accurate feedback to find your 'X' on that same map. With your destination and your starting point clarified, now you can discover what kinds of:
- Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) such as Energetic Block Removal
- Thoughtware Upgrade such as Memetic Engineering, ETB,
- Initiations such as Rage Club, Fear Club
- Transformation such as Gremlin Transformation or Decontaminations.
- Gameworld Building such as building Your Circle, Making Your Website, Building out Gameworld Space for your Possibilitator Specialty to serve Archans, Write Your Article... which may bring you immediately back to starting over at #1 Emotional Healing Processes about when you learned to not write at school and taking your pen back.
Study the How To Give A WorkTalk website so that you are prepared to Speak From The Unknown (e.g. your Bright Principles) when you ask the audience for questions, and that you are prepared with one or two simple Experiments for your participants to do in Groups of 2 during your Worktalk.
Please video your WorkTalk with a good sound pickup, then post it online in your YouTube or Vimeo channel.
After posting the video of your WorkTalk online, please register Matrix Code CENTERBE.12 in your free account at Please give the link to your video as the Proof. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Point.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code CENTERBE.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!